Sunday, September 16, 2007

Call Your Loved One Back

There are two types of separations that occur when couples split up: temporary and karmic. If a separation is karmic, nothing you can do will bring back your loved one. However, if it is temporary, you can use the following rituals:

Find a photograph of yourself smiling (half body picture) and a similar one for your loved one.

Now take 2 pieces of mirror the same size as the pictures. Place the two pictures so that they face each other.

Then place the mirrors outside the joined picture. They should reflect outwards. So, you will have 2 pictures sandwiched between 2 mirrors. Use tape to tape the mirrors together with the pictures inside.

When there is a full moon, catch the reflection of the moon on the surfaces of both mirrors. This is to call forth the magic of the God of Marriage. Keep until your loved one calls and meets you. Once this happens, release the pictures. The rest is up to you. This ritual will help create the opportunities for you to iron out differences between you.

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