Sunday, September 16, 2007

2007 Zodiac Readings

Years: 1927, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996

With the sun shining brightly across the seamless horizon, the massive dark shadows of the past are swept away entirely, putting that smile back on your face again. Despite this, difficulties remain many in the romance department and, the stumbles and hard knocks resulting from it will slower your progress towards successes. Depending on how you handle it, affectionate matters could either be used towards the beneficial molding of one’s character and temperance or conversely, be significant enough to tear you apart. Concentrate on your work and do a little exercise during your leisure time; maintain a positive spirit so you can rejoice when opportunity knocks. Given that Sun represents your auspicious star this year, wear a sun shaped or sun-related ornaments to boost your fortune.

Your fortune is guided by the direction of your mood this year. Channel your heart and soul into your primary duty, and stay away from unorthodox practices to reap definite bliss in fortune and influx of wealth. In the absence of trivially troubling matters, your cleared and focused thoughts would be well-inviting good fortune and luck in windfall this year. However, avoid clashes with the blossom flower lest your luck in wealth be hampered.

Your luck in romance is relatively good this year. Past hurts and rejections would find its renewal. Innumerous romance choices surround you suddenly, leaving you confused. Act fast to be bonded with the person you like, lest troubles ensue a consequent of your protracted passivity.
Celebrate birthdays or anniversaries with your loved ones can bring you closer to each other, promotes affectionate warmth and familial amiableness. As the saying goes, harmoniousness begets fortune, abstain from conflicts and stay fiddle to your partner for good fortune.

Business Personnel
Unceasing contracts and invoices leave you unmanageable. Let the exquisite sophistication this year brings to your fortune be the guiding force towards striking that indelible mark on your career. Boundaries ought to be drawn in your personal conduct with partners of the opposite sex at work; learn to say ‘No’ and reject favors in kind.
Salary increases sees opportunity this year. Manage that unruly temper of yours and put your favorable luck in social skills to good use at work for efficiency. Abstain from conflicts or squabbles lest it weighs upon the success for your future. Plan carefully with home moves or weddings.

The powerful presence of water element this year sees ailments and disorders of the blood circulatory system, kidney and digestive system. More exercises is recommended, along with a sensible lifestyle and diet.
Attention calling for gynecological ailments and rheumatism. The unsurpassable force of the water element also sees disorders of the blood circulatory; do more exercises or consume medicinal supplements for symptomatic relief and prevention.

Concentrate in studies would be hampered by unruly emotions. Those born in year 1984 must keep away from circumstances that brew chancing with the peach blossom, while those born in 1996 should pay attention to daily lifestyle habits and exercise more.

Years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997

General fortune sees a downward spiraling this year, bringing along wildly fluctuating moods. Troubles caused by scheming villains would lead to further aggravation of the above. The darkness before dawn is a tough time indeed, leaving you constantly depressed and moody. Consider this as a form of chastening in life. Psychological endurance might be subjected to tremendous testing; strive to approach all troubling matters by a calm and rational frame of mind; maintain your stance and exercise patience.

Akin to a torrential downpour that continues for days, the spread of unkind rumors would cause your financial credibility to be doubted by banks and fellow business associates, who used to hold their trust in you. Times may be tough but if you bite on, change your current habits of spending and be very careful in dealing with financial matters, you will overcome the obstacles and pass through this period of financial hardship. Despite the rather depressing atmosphere with primary wealth this year, your fortune in windfall remains optimistic. As long as you trust, believe and persevere through, gains in this aspect of wealth will see considerable favor. However, guard against over reliance or risk helpless dependency on the indefinable later. The God of Fortune is right at home.

Vulnerable relationships would suffer further fragility this year with the malicious rumors. Increased communication and toleration is needed during times of conflicts. As the saying go, ‘one dose of happiness wards off three disasters’, consider marriage as an option for the dissipation of obstacles in your relationship.
Misunderstanding would be further aggravated unless there is a compromise between both. Encourage each other and reinforce the cohesive bonds within the family, doing this would promote a breakthrough against the series of ill luck.

Business Personnel
Although rumors are said to have nil effects on the wise; decisions are nevertheless dependent on the sincerity of the accused. Invite rather than be invited to present your defense. Be brave and controlled; impulsive acts would further worsen the situation.
Do not grumble in times of busyness nor partake in the conflicts of others at your free time. This year calls for neutrality in all affairs. Sudden influx of fortune into accounts calls for diligence; financial matters should be planned well, in case of rainy days.

With the massive pressures weighing down from your head, the area of your shoulder would be characterized by stiffness, hence affecting your work performances in general. Learn to relax and unwind; immerse in nature and see soothing to your unhappiness.
Weakness in the nervous system is forewarned. Pay extra attention to the series of sudden changes such as indigestion, menstrual irregularity and bladder incontinence, as these general symptoms may escalate into disorders of the nervous system.

Instability is indicated at the nervous system this year; abnormal circulation of the blood would affect one’s efforts in studies. Do not resort to inject more pressure as it could easily drive the child to mental hysteria; consider inculcating love as an education.

Years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998

The journey of your fortune undergoes a difficult time this year, characterizing a period of positive chastening for you. Propitious chancing of the Tai Yin (太阴) star this year sees successes. This year sees favours with marriage and childbearing, though careful management of the finances is called forth. Seek an honest and harmonious attitude in everything this year; do not succumb to greediness lest you fall prey to serious traps.

Among the myriads investment opportunities, concentrate on a few and obtain absolute control over the fluctuating value of the stocks. Remarkable favor should see your fortune this year. Concentrate and be blessed with surprising profits. On and all, a set of realistic plans drawn on your finances would constitute an agenda of paramount importance this year. In order to secure your fortune in windfall this year, you need to exercise restrain from sexual gratification. Benefactors of the opposite sex may praise you generously for your work, leading you to gains in both general fortune in wealth and windfall. On a cautionary note, withdraw upon seeing profits or the risk of huge losses may ensue.

This year sees a general atmosphere of constant frustration; clashes with peach blossom would drive pressures up to a tremendous level. Discipline your fickle-mindedness; this year favours marriage, childbearing and rebuilding of relationships; cherish this great opportunity and walk the aisle with your beloved in hand.
Your regular meeting with the investing partner of the opposite sex would attract gossips and lots of finger pointing this year. Most importantly, establish trust in your marriage and pluck not from the flowers of the wild lest you fall into entrapment of the peach blossom and lose it all.

Business Personnel
The unceasing influx of opportunities and assistance by benefactors of the opposite sex should see efficient soaring of business activities. However, your moods and management style would see considerable messiness. Practice clever discernment and strengthen your administrative management when business sees generous blooming.
Misunderstandings with fellow colleagues or superior of the opposite sex over issues of sexual admirations make its difficult for you to concentrate at work. Stabilize your emotions before taking step to separate work from personal matters. Otherwise, difficulties should abound with job promotion next year with the downturn of the fortune wheel against your favor.

The significant increase in atmospheric moisture this year would see agonizing pains in the body of those with general weakness in bone density. Pay attention to your diet and do some stretching exercises to prevent accidental sprains while walking.
For those who suffer from long-term rheumatism, seek medical relief and change your diet for bodily aches. Problems are indicated at the eye and liver areas, causing some instability in moods, which could ignite conflicts and quarrels with people

Remarkable results are expected at the first half of the year, which complacency from self-conceitedness at the second half of the year would bring it down. Parents should spend time in supervising and assisting academic progresses, which would be tougher given the predicted downturn of fortune next year.

Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1986, 1987, 1999

This year sees the reaping of fruits after all the labour! Be careful with the increase in this fortune lest total depilation by sudden attacks. The good fortune that continues from the previous year might result in complacency among those born in the year of the rabbit. Take heed to be practical and diligent in equipping for victory against the innumerous lawsuits later. This year sees you struggling with the trivial matters while the major ones become manageable for you.

This year favors investments within the real estate and commencement of businesses, especially partnerships. However, you should reinforce your terms and conditions, and negotiate shrewdly before proceeding with it. Otherwise, risks of shattered hopes might ensue from the failure to keep vigilance. Benefits and prosperity see parallel smoothness this year, except that you need to observe integrity; being greedy or going against the laws can render you vulnerable to the affliction of lawsuits, and see total losses, even jail term in cases of severe delinquency.

A favorable year for marriage and career, only that consideration over economic sustainability ought to be taken. Being spendthrift would see accumulation of creditors, affecting your relationship. Practice sincerity when making friends; a heart filled with unorthodox thoughts might birth conflicts and even court cases.
To preserve the relationship between spouses, consider a new home move or home renovation; however, consider how much you can afford. Let not the gift of love becomes your heavy burden. Organize activities to celebrate your anniversaries.

Business Personnel

Profitable year with real estate investments; take this opportunity to expand your business operation; a detailed financial plan characterizes the most important of all. Taxes should be carefully handled. Pay attention to relations among shareholders and never place your self-interest before the welfare of the entire organizational development.
Matters that are under your responsibility amass, rendering you helpless in attending to both matters of work and private. Be not a slave to time but priorities time management and see completion by the given timeline. Do not yield in to monetary gains.

External shocks might trigger an increase in the blood pressure. Consider taking some light vegetarian food and/or greens dishes; it will not only bring down the blood pressure but also neutralize your innumerous aspirations. Disappointments are inevitable with aspirations.
This year sees an all time low at the emotional level; it could be the same culprit of past afflictions. Relax and do not overwork; go for more massages and therapeutic treatments to lessen your mental pressures.

Performance in studies sees a remarkable improvement this year, which is unfortunately paralleled with the birth of a rebellious psychology. Bad influences might lead to the committing of undesirable acts and deals; responsibility lies ultimately with the parents.

Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

Emerging from the pitch darkness, this year finally unveil you to the hopeful sunrays again. Career wise, expect help from benefactors who recognize your talents; keep an open heart in welcome of the good fortunes. However, series of ailments would call for more rest. Stars of Hong Luan (红鸾) awakens, an auspicious year for marriage and childbirth for the singles but forewarning to the married.

Benefactor’s assistance coupled with sacrifices from family and partner brings about prosperity in wealth. Very attractive gains expected for investments in real estate and commodities; avoid making huge investments in Gold or financial hardship would follow. Avoid making luxurious investments or purchases. Fortune in windfall would be characterized by drastic ups and downs, owing to problems surrounding relationships. Concentrate on your career and participate less in social activities lest the loss of fortune is risked through misguided influences by the opposite sex.

Groom yourself and participate more in social activities; you might meet the person of your dream. This year marks a favorable year for marriage, childbirth and career enterprises; think before you leap though. Integrate career and family closely to strengthen your bonds in relationships.
The impetuses offered by members of your family are tremendous, discipline your frivolity and commit to your spouse wholeheartedly; respect the feelings of each other. Strengthen your marital bonds through celebration of marriage anniversary, home move, renovation or overseas travel.

Business Personnel
Collaborated efforts of employees coupled with great support by clients, pushes Company’s performance to a desirable high. Unfortunately, the good fortune would only last for a year; maximize your earnings within the time given. Take care of your health and avoid ritualized events of mourning and celebration.
This year sees promising opportunity for promotion and salary increase but balance your work and social lives to avoid bumps. Employ non-aggressive strategies in work to alleviate stress; hydrotherapy and massages can achieve similar effects.


Under the incitement of the Hong Luan (红鸾) stars, your mood is blazing with intense sexual appetite; consider recharging and rejuvenating through intercourse, but take care to not indulge too much lest it takes a toll on your body. Promiscuous individuals should take precaution against regrets passed on to the family.
Infections at lower area of the genitals speak probable problems with the womb. Seek medical help and do not treat it casually. Women in labor recuperation should increase consumption of tonics to strengthen the immunity. Abstain from sexual promiscuity.

Weakness in health affects general progress in studies; unsettled psych causes you to lose concentration. Consider diagnostic advices of the western medicals and therapeutic treatments of the Chinese traditional. A strong physique is pertinent to good performances in studies.

Years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Bidding farewell to your successive fortunes last year; the road ahead sees a little bleakness. While lowness in mood is definite, what is more worrisome is the apparent clash with Tai Sui (太岁). A frequent tendency to escape from reality, coupled with poor health weakens one’s drive to forge ahead. Bite on, control emotional outburst and take systematic steps to work hard for the good fortune next year.

Financial woes incurred as a result of massive expenditures to ventilate your downward spiraling moods, added with failing health makes you prone to suicidal thoughts. However, nothing is lost if you remain patient, make allowance for the worse and plan your finances. Primary wealth sees obstacles; it is understandable that hopes get diverted to pin on fortune in windfall and side wealth. Unfortunately, the coinciding with Yue Kong (月空) stars withheld the most desired. Be thrifty or greater trouble would ensue with an even weaker fortune in wealth.

Separations occur more than unions; coupled with discounting fortune and health, your mood is subjected to massive pressures, giving rise to trivial arguments between couples leading to breakups. Seek a good buddy for emotional comfort and confiding.
True love emerges through great difficulties; watch your behavior and your partner of long term will not abandon you but stay with you through this period of lowness in life.
This year and next year emphasize the importance of familial support to you, be grateful.

Business Personnel

Unfavorable performance at work surround this year; contracts that are running close to successful closure see shattered hopes. Maintain old clients while establishing new markets. Do your best while exercising caution; success is just round the corner.
Bite on and stand firm against the negative atmospheric forces surrounding this year; seek cohesiveness at work; strive towards opportunity for overseas appointments but consider carefully for job hop. Take care of health even if work gets too busy.


Unsettled moods leads to series of accidents, fractures or sprains; take are to warm up before exercises. Certain sicknesses would drag on for years, especially problems with the breathing system. Take care of hygiene and traffic safety.
General moods undergo tremendous frustrations and diminishment of the inner drive; your struggle to freedom might render yourself vulnerable to the traps laid by intending people. Exercise more for overall physiological wellness and confidence.

Feeling despondent towards studies, thus prone to skipping of classes and truancy. Your influenced rebelliousness by bad company would incur tremendous headaches to your parents. Seek specialist help for sicknesses owing to an inability to relax.

Years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Under the protective influence of the two auspicious stars, Long De (龙 德) and Zi Wei (紫 微) your originally favorable fortune for the year is further boosted. Treasure your good fortune and strive towards your goals; be amiable and diplomatic in handing all matters so reaping would be enhanced. Take care of your health and safety though and be intimidated not, by the sudden upsurge of sicknesses.

Remarkable gains in wealth fortune to be yielded; this year favors investment in the real estate. Prepare thoroughly before you proceed with structural expansion for your company. Do not invest freely; adjust your spending habits and save up more. Unprecedented gains in wealth set your moods in elation; you might want to save a fraction for suitable investments. Promising opportunities lie in stock investments this year but swiftness is needed. Do not diversify your sum of investment based on few casual remarks of others.


This is a good year for marriage and career; consider engagement if time is not ripe yet. Foul temper must be corrected; it is not necessary to quarrel over disagreements; respect is required between you and the relatives of your spouse to transform the relationship.
Having kids can improve spousal relationships while mates of many years can immerse into the atmospheric joy. Take opportunity to travel overseas with your spouse or renovate the home to increase fortune.

Business Personnel
Unceasing business deals but you need to discriminate carefully. Not knowing how to reject some might lead to delays in delivery and poorer quality in goods, which could damage company’s reputation. To improve the quality of customer services, consider location move or new market developments.
Opportunity for promotion sees aplenty, but frequent domestic disturbances lead to neglect at work, learn how to manage your time and cooperate with your superiors and subordinates. Villains surround you, be humor and teachable.


Unceasing atmospheric joyousness soothes your moods exceedingly; however, control your diet, especially those with digestive abnormities, high cholesterol, excessive uric acid and high blood pressure, to avoid blockage of the blood vessels.
Your high spiritedness seeks breakthroughs, risks or independent travel, which are not undesirable only that adequate precautionary measure ought to be taken. Catastrophes are indicated this year, take care when traveling outdoor and do not neglect problems with the blood pressure and strokes.

Do not be over conceited just because you are blessed by good fortune; owing to the influence of the destructive stars, you will tend to be arrogant and smug frequently, which would see huge failures; do not rest but fight on.

Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991,

Surges of thunderstorms send you crumbling down from the glorious peak, to the humblest bottom of the pit this year, leaving you frozen. Added by the super villain stars surrounding, you are on the desperate verge of crying out. Fret not, for many auspicious stars would be sent to protect you next year. The days of brightness are near; for now, hang in there, cultivate an orthodox heart and keep away from the villains.

Bear neither a heart that destroys, nor a heart that knows no caution; sayings like this might not be assuring to the ears but it is the most effective. You must always learn to discern the wrong from the right; be firm to keep off the villains; financial wise, observe and avoid greediness. While difficulties abound primary wealth, fortune in windfall remains occasionally optimistic as long as you exercise wisdom in your investments and gamble. Be patient in seeking wealth this year. In order to yield, you have to let it go.

Gone are the sweet romances; obstacles are here to test the durability of your relationship this year. Your lack of maturity in handling the matter adds on to the exigency of the situation. Trust is needed in your relationship to stand strong against all adversities.
Rumors surround the atmosphere, planting doubts in you towards your partner. Instead of ventilating it through binge drinking, stay strong and lead an active lifestyle; rebuild your trust with family members. The fog will see dispersion soon.

Business Personnel

The deals clinched last year would see tremendous disincentives; more maddening, would be the unprecedented losses of otherwise confirmed businesses, devastating your morale. Retreat not but continue to employ your creativity on new products.
Misunderstanding sees stirring between you and your colleagues, leading to boycotts, which saddens you; ‘genuine gold shall withstand the fiercest fires’, trust that with firmness, integrity and sincerity, all will be well in time to come. Avoid conflicts and ritualized events of celebration and mourning.


Due to the difficulties surrounding your general fortune this year, confidence will suffer hard knocks, which you must not delay medical attention if symptoms of a weakened nervous system such as insomnia and hot-temperedness were to appear.
Over suspiciousness will only lead to self-inflicted mental hysterics. Recuperate well after giving birth and guard against excessive worries or depression might follow. Relax and make time for some hydrotherapy, massages and exercises.

The invasion of sicknesses, diminishing friends, interrogation by teachers and reproaches by parents lead you to emotional instability; psychological counseling at this time is necessary. Parents should also be understanding and encouraging towards the healthy development of their children. With the twinkling of the Hua Gai (华盖) star, concentrate and study hard to top the class.

Years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

The time has finally come for the dispersion of fog and getting to the successes you have long been waiting for. Despite assistance by benefactors, this year of great fortune heralds negative forces, threatening to explode with the onset of every little dissension. Learn to control your emotions; wild swinging of moods will only renders you vulnerable to the villains; prepare well mentally for the unfavorable fortune calling next year.

Assistance by benefactors has brought you through the difficult times last year; financial excesses makes you feel exceedingly relax. Nevertheless, do not loosen your management over financial matters; plan your expenditures wisely, in preparation for the rainy days next year. Fortunes for wealth in both primary and windfall show rather impressive performances. However, take heed against demonstrativeness lest you attract thieves looming in the background. Guard your home and distance yourself from unaccountable wealth.


This year is a good year for marriage and childbirth but journey might see sudden obstruction and hurts to relationships; think rationally; do not marry just for the sake of it. Once you have made up your mind, persevere despite the hardship.
Fortune appears relatively good but increased socializing at work could weighs heavily upon your marriage, especially for those who have erred. Treasure; be generous; accept the separation and avoid future enmity.

Business Personnel

This year sees many new traders competing to partner with you and the successive return of your former clients; choose carefully and guard against traps. Look into the quality of your customer service and products.
Fortune in work sees excellence; interest expressed by headhunting companies render you susceptible to thoughts of job-hopping. Stay loyal to your company for promotion and act with integrity.


General moods see switches between extremes this year; Setbacks from relationships lead you to self-reproaches and mental self-entrapment, take a neutral step back in handling it. Feelings of unsettlement and heart-related ailment should not be neglected.
Heavy workloads coupled with troubling affliction of sicknesses at home bother you tremendously. Unsettled mind and emotion is symptomatic of lowness in blood pressure. Rest more lest conditions worsen.

Performance in studies sees excellence, however, your lack of cautiousness in choosing friends lead you to mixing with the bad company at the expense of your grades. Cultivate silence in your spirit; look around for a good tutor to resolve your problems. Do not commit crimes out of sheer materialism.

Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

Having walked through the grayish journey of life last year, this year opens you to minor recovery though the roads ahead are filled with just as many obstacles and surrounded by villains, looming perilously. Thus, be very careful, tolerating towards all around you so you may sail through it peacefully. Be patient and wait for the good fortunes next year.

Fortunately there’s always light at the end of the tunnel; sudden attack by villains further strain an already undesirable financial situation this year. If only you can stand firm and approach the situation systematically, freedom from financial shackles would be achievable. Be not influenced into unlawful acts and avoid being a guarantor. Occasional influx of fortune neutralizes your financial hardship, however temporary. Put efforts into your career in fighting for a better salary. Be patient and wait for the good fortune next year.


Disagreements leading to possible split see your journey in romance this year; treasure the one who has gone this far with you. Do not employ words of harshness in exchange but learn to communicate. Next year is a good year for marriage.
Renovation and home move would add to the joy in the married; every chore becomes more enjoyable if couple gets to share some common goals and aspirations. Trust and support is needed between couples, against the hurtful words by villains.

Business Personnel

This year remains characterized by many obstacles, squabbles and conflicts; great opportunities of yours became someone else at the critical moment frustrate you. Employ the commercial strategy of using ease in place of labor to strike at the best opportunity.
Do not place too much hopes on pay raise and promotion; promotions of short notices might add to your pressures. Most importantly, maintain good working relationships with colleagues and superiors. Exercise caution in studying government documents to avoid lawsuits.


The chills would send recurring problems of your respiratory system; consider doing more exercises and consumption of foodstuffs with insulating ingredients like pepper and chili. Seek medical help for persistent cough or sinuses.
Health constitutes a priceless asset and excessive worrying is akin to forsaking it. Let your thoughts not wander but cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Seek medical attention for persistent cough, aching body or spinal discomforts.

It is very difficult to concentrate on studies given a hostile environment, consider doing a little renovation to your child’s bedroom and study, and maintaining a clean space for him/her. Plan well for renovation or home move lest it affects their moods towards studies.

Years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

The ominous fog of the Sui Fortune (岁运) has dispersed. Although you may temporarily bid farewell to the unkind fortunes, do not quicken to elation, for obstacles remain many this year. The presence of Bing Fu (病符), Tian Sha (天煞) and Sui Sha (岁煞) renders difficulty to every step of yours; exercise caution in all matters for a tiny negligence might devastate everything. Borrow the cheerful optimism bestowed to you by Tian Xi star (天喜) to overcome all undesirable feelings. Sickness stars abound, take good care of your health.

The God of Fortune enjoys playing pranks on you, opportunities that are sees confidence would seep through the tiniest source and sudden influx of wealth makes you excited and happy. Be responsible and leave the rest to God. Observe vigilance and do not loosely invest your money. Small fortune with wealth remains in sight despite its general gloomy financial fortune. Do not blame others but yourself for your lowness in luck. Be sincere and calm, breathe in and absorb the influx of intuition for that boost in your financial fortune.

Your impulsiveness would lead to unwanted pregnancy, making it very dilemmatic for you; do not treat it casually, consider marriage if the time is right. Nevertheless, marriage and childbirth should be organized on auspicious dates. Emotional stability is called forth in both to sail through this period.
The married should end their happiness with happiness. If you should quarrel after attending ritualized events or mourning or celebration, or bear thoughts of infidelity, it could be signal to changes in your relationship. Learn to communicate on disagreement.

Business Personnel
Big or small, take whatever that comes along or risk financial crisis, however do not commit to deals that incur losses. Businesses that are co-operated by husband and wife should always seek tolerance in all matters.
Stay for the meanwhile if you can’t make up your mind with leaving, put in efforts to your work regardless of rewards; do your best and be assured of recognition. Do not express affection on your face or risk getting misunderstood.

Take care of your digestive health; indulging in food and beverages at the height of your elation influenced by Tian Xin (天喜) would lead you to indigestion. Seek medical attention for symptoms of constipation and rely not on laxatives or commercial products for detoxification.
Binge eating on especially deep fried foodstuffs to soothe your unstable emotions and nervousness would only make you easily prone to plumpness. Take care of your own health, especially with regards to the high level of stress coming from your frequently, bed-ridden partner.

The pressure in learning sees tremendous increase, leading you to feelings of bleakness for the future. Taking snacks, playing of computer games or chatting with your friends are means of escaping from your despondency. Parents should keep watch on your children to inculcate the right values.

Years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You have come to the end of your very favorable fortune. This year sees unceasing rainfalls and dark clouds, a very worrisome prediction indeed. In this year that sees clashes with the Tai Sui God, inauspicious stars surround, nevertheless, regardless of your circumstances, life continues; don’t lose heart. Be determined; seek wisdom and not wrath lest you lose out in the end. You are your greatest enemy this year, fight towards breakthroughs to realize a brand new reality.

Obstacles surround your finances, making you panic. Examine thoroughly and plan with confidence to establish a set of comprehensive tools for financial management. Failure to include plans for contingency would lead you to insurmountable troubles later. Hopes are not great for windfalls. Instead of seeking prayers everywhere, consider putting your efforts into work in earning more money. Health is priceless; take good care of it. Drive carefully.

This year sees clashes with the Tai Sui God (太岁), avoid marriage, otherwise, the 2nd or sixth lunar month would be the better months to organize it. Rumors would lead to changes in your relationship; guard against talebearers and be firm in your judgment. Do not succumb to the third party. Lovers shall unite in the end.
Troubles abound in your marriage, setting off emotional upheavals. Never say quit; employ love and sincerity to sustain a relationship you have taken pains to build. Frequently misunderstood or wronged builds feelings of anguish in you. Resolve by the correct way and avoid violence.

Business Personnel
Great intelligence should employ strategy of confusion to sustain your massive shares in the market from your competitors; conversely, demonstrative smartness would bring forth defeats.
Your regular source of subsistence is becoming unstable, affecting your self-confidence. Observe in quietness and do not be affected by the words of others. Impulsive outbreak of rage would lead to an irretrievable situation.


This year indicates disasters of bloodshed; consider donating blood or contribute to charity during the lunar season. Those who binge eats should take care of heart obstruction and weakening of the kidney. Over provocation might lead to injuries of the internal organs. Go for a full body checkup.
Attend to pains at the lower abdominal; surgeries are indicated, consider plastic surgery or minor operation to dissipate the ominous energies of major surgeries. Confidence sees a little dampened by slanderous rumors, control your emotions nevertheless. Drive carefully.

Put in a little more efforts on a daily basis so you need not panic on the eve of the examination. This year warrants hopes for borderline passes; place neither too much pressure upon yourself lest you tire yourself out mentally, nor take this as an excuse to laze.

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