Sunday, November 18, 2007

19th Nov 2007 Zodiac Reading

Years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Your vivaciousness of mind will grow tenfold. On the contrary, you'll be subject to digestive and intestinal troubles due to your excessive nervousness. Home life will be well influenced and you'll finally find a just balance in your affective life.

Years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
This time clandestine love affairs will greatly appeal to you, but know how to measure out the consequences of your acts. Some impulsiveness in your spendings, especially your spendings for love. Physically, everything will be well if you know how to avoid overwork.

Years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Unexpected domestic problems which will require all your attention. Your popularity will be on the increase, many people will seek your company. Refuse to take part in gossip. The sentimental sky will darken a little.

Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
You'll have difficulty distinguishing between what's achievable and what's inaccessible; seek advice from competent people. Difficulties of communication with those whom you love most are to be foreseen. Agitated amorous climate fraught with new developments.

Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
You'd be wrong to doubt love and balk at pleasure: they can certainly enchant you this time. In all your undertakings, never lose sight of the importance of the time factor. You'll make new friends in record time.

Years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Financial problems will arise and it will not be a time to embark on a shaky affair. Your work will suddenly seem too tedious and you'll want to drop it. You must protect your vital space instead of letting your friends invade it and swamp you with their problems.

Years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
You'll work desperately hard at your projects and the reward will not be long to come. Support the little ways of your beloved one's with tolerance and understanding; you have your own, too! Cardio-vascular problems will be on the decrease.

Years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
In the professional field, you won't hesitate to ask for new responsibilities. However, you shouldn't get disheartened too rapidly in face of the obstacles you'll meet. Your health will be good only if you adhere to certain food discipline.

Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Your ideas will be interesting and their originality can make you to be noticed in a very positive manner. Don't take things too much at heart otherwise your nervous resistance might be harmed. Increased risks of hepatic or cardio-vascular troubles.

Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Unexpected but positive events will not fail to take you by surprise. Great satisfactions on the friendship plane. You'll conduct your career with gusto; but beware of your present tendency to be too ambitious, to want to tackle too many things.

Years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
If you find yourself confronted with a difficult situation, you'll know how to have a detached attitude and to make things less alarming. Unexpected changes in the sentimental domain might come to upset your daily routine.

Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
You'll feel in excellent physical shape. But you'll be very sensitive, ready to take the wrong way every remark that's somewhat critical or even not flattering enough. Necessity to hold a dialog with your children.

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