Monday, September 17, 2007

Conceive A Daughter

During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a silver one (Moon), to the left a brown one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Water). These are the symbols of the Mother.

Take a rose (blossom only) and place it in the center of the triangle.
Using a thorn from the rose stem, prick your finger and squeeze three drops of blood on top of the bloom.
Repeating the following:
"Sweet as the rose may be, and as strong as the thorn
From this union of flesh and spirit, my daughter is born"
Visualize a rose bush growing and flowering before you. Its blossoms smell sweet and the thorns are proof that woman is both beautiful and powerful. Soft and strong. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, butterflies drifting around the blooms. Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the bush, gently cradled by the curling stems and buds. Picture her as you would like your daughter to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.When you are ready, take the rose and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat using new candles and a new rose blossom.

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