Monday, September 17, 2007

Herbs Spell


Corn Flowers: Sprinkle in the area where you and your mate argue the most. It is purported to help alleviate discord and strife.

Damiana: Let some soak in a glass of wine for three hours. Thereafter, sprinkle a small bit outside your front and back door. Do this faithfully each day for 21 days, and it is said that before long your wandering lover will return to you.

Dill Seed: Add a few grains to bath water before going out to meet a person of the opposite sex. Said to make one irresistible.

Laurel: Worn by brides to help guarantee a long and happy union.

Marjoram: To attract a husband, put a little in the corners of each room in your house. Remove and renew about once a month.

Orris Root: A love root, carried to attract the opposite sex and to encourage them to love you dearly.

Rosemary: Give a special friend a sachet filled with Rosemary. This is supposed to induce warm-n-fuzzy feelings in another.

Skullcap: Supposedly if you place a wee bit in your lover's shoes it can help make that person unaffected by the charms of others.

Spikenard: Brew into a tea and wet the picture of a loved one with the water to enhance the longevity of your union.

Sweet Bugle: Crush a handful and place under your mattress to attract new lovers and possibly marriage prospects.


Calendula: Sprinkle dried bits of this flower under the bed. Known to make dreams come true and protect the sleeper from evil.

Dandelion: Sew tightly in a red flannel bag and wear around the neck to make wishes come true.

Huckleberry Leaves: Burn in the bedroom before going to sleep to make a special dream come true within seven days.

Job's Tears: As you count out seven seeds, concentrate on a wish you have in mind. Carry these seven seeds with you at all times for seven days and your wish should have come true before the week is gone.

Lavender: Place some Lavender under your pillow just before retiring and think about your wish. If you dream about anything at all connected with the wish this means that it should come true.

Lotus Root: Mark one side of the root "yes" and the other side "no," and then make your wish as you toss the root into the air. You will then know if your wish was meant to be.

Spearmint: Write your wish on a piece of paper and wrap in a few Spearmint leaves. Place these in a red cloth and sew it up with red thread. Keep it in a safe and secret place. By the time the scent is gone your wish should have come true. If not, this means that it probably won't for a long time to come.


Ague Weed: This can be mixed with any incense and burned to break the power of a hex that has been placed on you.

Bay Leaves: One in the corner of each room of a house is believed to protect all who dwell there, as well as the house itself. If you carry it on your person it is reputed to protect against witchcraft.

Bladderwrack: To be carried by the traveler as a protection, especially when traveling by water.

Blood Root: Place on windows and doorways to protect against curses and evil spirits from entering.

Cinquefoil: Take an egg and cut a small hole in one end. Drain the contents and let the shell dry. Then stuff the shell with Cinquefoil and reseal the hole with tape. As long as this egg is kept in the home it can be protected from evil forces.

Clover: Soak one tablespoonful in one cup of vinegar for three days. Then strain and sprinkle the vinegar in each corner of every room. All alien spirits should leave the premises.

Elm Bark: To eliminate slander against you bury some in a box along with a piece of paper that contains the name of the individual who is speaking adversely about you.

Pearl Moss: Sprinkle this across the front doorway of the home to only allow good spirits to enter.

Sulfur: Burn at midnight near your back door to ward off evil.


Alfalfa: Kept in the home to protect the owner against poverty.

Basil: Soak a heaping teaspoonful in a pint of water. This water is then sprinkled in a place of business to attract money and success. If you have a job interview coming up, you can sprinkle this outside of the building where you hope to be employed (careful though - if someone sees you it won't help your job prospects very much!).

Cascara Sagrada: Used to help win court cases when brewed into a strong tea and sprinkled around the bed the night before a court appearance.

Chamomile: Brew and use as a hand wash before playing card games or gambling.Dragon's Blood Reed: Carry in your purse or pocket for good luck. Here's a new one - supposedly if you place it under your mattress it aids in curing impotency.

Galangal Root: One of these carried to court is said to make the judge/jury feel favorably inclined toward you.

Irish Moss: It is said that if one places this under the carpets in their home that it will bring vast fortune.

John The Conqueror Root: Just before going out to play a game of chance, wash your hands in water in which it has been boiled.

Little John: Place one in Holy water to bring good luck to everything you attempt.

Low John Root: It is said that if one wraps money around this root the money will multiply threefold.

Silver Leaf: A potent good luck charm when kept in the home.

Violets: Sprinkle some petals in the corners of your home. It is said to invite positive entities that can assist with healing and bringing money and luck unto you.

*Illness must be treated by a medical professional. None of these are meant to replace the advice or treatment prescribed by a physician. You are responsible for your health and should always exercise caution. Please do not use any of the following unless you are certain you have no allergies to them and not without the approval of your DR.

Ash Tree Leaves: Place one tablespoonful of leaves in a bowl of water and leave it in the bedroom overnight while sleeping. In the morning it should be tossed out and then redone each night. Allegedly this will help to prevent illness.

Betony: Strengthens the body when worn as an amulet.

Coriander: Carry the seeds in a small bag to ward off disease and migraines.

Dill Seed: Tie some in a cloth and smell to help cure hiccups.

Eucalyptus: Said to protect against colds if stuffed into the pillow one sleeps on.

Holy Herb: Use in bath water if you feel your sickness has been caused by a hex.

Mustard Seed: Carry with you at all times a few grains in a small bag, wallet, or purse to guard against injury.

Quince Seed: When a few are carried in a red, flannel bag it can protect the wearer from physical attacks and harm.

Rose Buds: Place around sprains and bad bruises to help them heal quicker.

Rosemary: Holding some while reading or completing tasks is said to improve memory.

Thyme: Burn in the home to attract good health to all occupants.

Valerian: This sewn into the pillow is supposed to calm nerves and bring about peaceful sleep.

Vervain: Worn as an amulet, Vervain is noted for its healing powers in curing fevers.

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