Sunday, September 16, 2007

16th Sep 2007 Horoscope Reading

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Profit quickly by the love which is within your reach, without losing a single crumb of it. Sparkling health except for rheumatics. Excellent material perspectives; an important financial transaction can be carried out well; you'll also make good investments. Profit by this quiet day to rest, body and soul, and to take stock of the situations that involve you. Excellent relations of understanding and complicity with your children.

Apr 20 - May 20
The present astral influxes will be unfavorable to cardiac patients; be prudent; regularly drink waters rich in magnesium so as to reduce risks of myocardial infarction. You'll multiply your marks of affection toward your children and they'll be very sensitive to them. It's simple reunions, family activities, in the company of good friends or neighbors, that will bring you the most satisfactions. You must manage your possessions with caution.

May 21 - Jun 21
Amorous adventures will be passionate but transitory; widows and widowers will be more tempted by marriage than other natives of the sign. You'll know how to make the most out of the opportunities which will present themselves on more than one front. You'll express yourself with ease; communicate your need for change to members of your family; your home would prove to be a center of feverish activity in which intellectuals will join. Very satisfactory health: your vitality will be good and faculties of recuperation excellent.

Jun 22 - Jul 22
A rather calm day concerning your job; but remain vigilant: even though nothing happens, you'd better prepare yourself for the next changes. Much to do, dynamism on the decrease, and fluctuating morale; an evening spent with your friends will do you much good. Be very vigilant at the driving wheel of your car or at work on dangerous machines, for your reflexes will be slower. Good news concerning your bank account. Show diplomacy in all your dealings.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
You'll be able to negotiate a difficult business deal or obtain a good contract. Your conjugal life may be very much agitated: you'll have the impression that your spouse absolutely want to direct everything and you can't absolutely accept that; try to find a compromise. Refrain from involving your friends, even the intimate ones, in your sentimental problems; confide only in persons whose function is to counsel. This ambience is propitious to illusions; you must cling to concrete facts and a rigorously logical reasoning.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
This day seems particularly good for making new friends or renewing ties with old friends; this could even at a later date bring you certain advantages on the professional plane. Some family problems, which demand to be solved with calm and method. Beware of your tendency to complicate the most simple facts. For the time being, it's necessary to keep a low profile and to pursue no large-scale projects. Concerning your budget, it would be the time to face reality squarely and to stop deluding yourself.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
Your affairs of the heart will be flourishing. Your sleep will be light; go without stimulants. Think to increase the proportion of vegetal fibers in your diet. It will be the ideal moment to do a moving. You'll perhaps meet people radically different from you, who lead a life totally different from yours; this will not only fascinate you but also open new horizons for you. Your successes in the social and professional domains will be assured, but all impatience or negligence will be severely punished.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
Harmony will reign over your family. Great risk of infection; beware of sexually transmitted diseases! The misunderstandings between you and your beloved one will be quickly dissipated and your amorous sky will become very sunny again. Luck will smile to you and, as by magic, you'll succeed in finding funds which will save you from disaster; well, you may be going to believe in miracles! You must be very vigilant in business and refrain from investing in long-termed projects.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
A very favorable day for your love affairs; the opposite sex won't be able to resist your charm. Assure your rear for hazard is always capricious. Your cholesterol level will begin to rise slightly, not so much because of your diet, but above all because of stress; do everything in your power in order to relax, during and after your work. You'll succeed without much difficulty in making the most out of any situation. You'll try to eliminate all problems susceptible to perturb the family harmony.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
Propitious moment for tightening ties with your parents and children. Good financial operations. This day seems very creative; major transformations will take place and the events will make you evolve profoundly, all to your advantage; you'll achieve large-scale projects. An ideal day to resume studies, undergo examinations or follow a training course. Beware of all that could harm you on the legal plane. For the time being, go without shellfish, raw vegetables, raw-milk cheeses.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
Don't make confidences, otherwise what you want to remain a secret will soon be an open secret. This astral climate may provoke a small diarrhea in certain natives; no need of drugs: eat cooked carrots, bananas, rice and, for once, drink as much Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola as you want. Your life as a couple may go through an agitated period; show patience. This time you'll have a better understanding of your entourage and you'll become better integrated in associations or clubs.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
A propitious day for real estate transactions; it will also favor movings. You'll have an opportunity to participate in social activities and get satisfactions out of them. Love affairs will tend toward certain stability; but this won't prevent you from living a more intense sentimental life. If you work in association, you'll try to impose your will on your partners. Risks of clashes with certain members of your family; draw in your horns and everything will fare better immediately.

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